A child is playing sports with his friend and his friend cheats to win or he's playing games with his friend and his friend uses his parent's money to buy better weapons and annihilates everyone.
Do you tell him that if you cheat or use money to win then you are missing to whole point of playing sports or games. Do you tell him that winning isn't everything? Do you tell him to focus on the journey and enjoy the experience of camaraderie and competition? Do you tell him to focus on honing his craft and developing his skills instead of worrying about the result?
Will kind of advice be a DISSERVICE to him? In this lying, conniving, scheming, win at any cost world, will you be handicapping him and not properly preparing him for the real world? Is it realistic and pragmatic to give him this kind of advice? Is this like teaching a child in the desert scuba diving instead of camel riding? Should we conform to the old adage of "When In Rome"?
If that's the case, wouldn't we be compounding and exacerbating the the existing problem and exponentially raising a whole generation of shallow, and no integrity humans?
So! Do we teach them WHAT IS or WHAT IT SHOULD BE?